Short Story: Aliferous

I love using writing prompts to channel my inspiration in between writing my full children's books. My mom came up with a short story writing prompt for me to write about after seeing a post on Facebook. I love how supportive she is of my creative writing, and how she helps me practice writing my books (thanks, Mom)!
Here's the writing prompt I was given:
An unexpected thing suddenly had wings, but only for 24 hours....What did they do that in that day?
(Photo: Facebook)
Try to write your own story from the writing prompt, and then share it with me on social media! Until then, here's what I came up with for my very short story: Aliferous. Enjoy!
As I rose to the heavens, I knew I wasn't what I used to be. I flew to every square, park, and street and saw the beauty from above. But of course, I knew what I really wanted to do. I wanted to glide every garden, water, and of course see the spectacles of life. The thought felt wonderful, but I knew it was a special kind.
As I flew in the warm air in the middle of July here in the wondering city, the hot sun and the fluffy cumulus clouds moved with me every moment. Like a soaring bird, I went to explore every beautiful garden and smell the scented perfume of the colorful flowers, as I heard the lovely birds chirping on top of the birch trees. The once full day has now shortened. Not a lot of time was left, but my greatest day was not over yet.
The last thing I wanted to do on this gorgeous day was looking out through the stream and see the pretty lights glow in the sky. Like the glowing fireflies, these vibrant lights shoot across the sky for various reasons, and I knew then that life is special. With its beauty that surrounded every second between us, was a gift. A gift of hope and the gift of purpose.
Now the time gone, and with the wings perished, I am just a normal person again. But I like myself, and living normal is just as special. Live your life with adventures, and especially live your life like a beautiful fairy tale.
Hope you enjoyed my short story for kids! I know the prompt said something unexpected, but when I saw the image I couldn't help but think what if I had wings for a day....
My writing tip is: don't think too much; just write and then you can edit it later. Personally, I like to write in a notebook and then edit the story when I type it later.
As you can see, I like to draw inspiration for my writing from anywhere. My writing process always comes from half of my imagination and half of the reality around me. It's so easy to be inspired by our world!
Katrina Kusa is the young children's book author of "The Kingdom of the Lizards" and "There Once Was a Cat". She has been writing since she was 8 years old and wants to inspire other kids to write and share their stories.