Overcoming the Post-Gig Blues

That’s a wrap!
Whether the curtain closes, the lights go out, or the director shouts that’s a wrap, what comes next is something most all performers can relate to the emotional dip with feelings of emptiness from the end of being part of something exciting and fulfilling.
The post-gig blues are natural to experience when returning to daily life and activities after. Here are some tips I use to pull myself out of this temporary sadness and get moving toward the next role!
Stay Connected
You have likely cultivated some great friendships with those you have been working with and ending the show does not mean you have to end the relationships with them. Stay in touch in person if possible, and friend each other on social media if you haven’t already. They too are most likely having the same blue feelings as you are, and you can support each other.
A huge part of the blues is due to missing the cast that you are used to hanging out with. At the beginning of your production, it is a great idea to get connected with contact info and social media so you will already have this in place when the show is over. I love to connect through social media like Facebook, check out my page here.
Self-Care & Gratitude
While exhilarating, it can also be exhausting to be a part of a production with the long hours and sometimes late nights.
After your show wraps, take some time for yourself! It’s a good idea to take a break and relax after a gig and give yourself time to unwind and recoup. Stay hydrated, eat sensibly, and be sure to keep up with good sleeping habits. Treat yourself to a relaxing bath and some rest and relaxation, you deserve it after all the hard work you put into the production!
Think about good things and happy memories the production created and be grateful for the experience. Jump back into your normal hobbies, relationships, and exercise that may have been neglected during your show. Your post-gig blues will pass but the memories will last a lifetime. If your sadness dips to a lower than normal level, try some meditation. Here are some great apps for mindfulness and meditation to try.
Rejuvenate Through Other’s Work
While you should not jump right into a new production before some overdue “you time”, checking out somebody else’s work is a great idea. You might even find some inspiration through their work for your next project.
Don’t limit yourself to acting stretch out and observe, dance, art, writing, and music. Did you know listening to music can be healing and help reduce your stress and sadness? For me, songwriting or doing a new writing prompt are ways for me to stretch my creative muscles between roles and auditions.
Look to the Future
Know that you will be in other productions and future roles. Look forward to that! I believe the possibilities of new projects down the road can replace that sadness with excitement.
You are not alone in your feelings of sadness once a show or production is over so be gentle with yourself, especially if this is your first gig. I promise it is normal to feel sad after a show stops but do not bottle up your feelings. If needed, find a trusted friend or family member to talk to about your feelings.
Keep reading my blog for more inspiration and motivation for young actors, songwriters, and authors. This is a safe space for all types of young creatives. Stay up-to-date on my life on Facebook or Instagram!